2022 Health, Fitness and Sports Industry Business Resilience Awards Winners
2022 Health, Fitness and Sports Industry Business Resilience Awards Winners
We are pleased to honor those in our industry who have embodied the definition of strength and resilience during the past few years with a special award.
Photo by Saige Carlson Photography @SaigeCarlson, submitted by Scott Salling, F.I.T. Academy
Scott Salling, F.I.T. Academy, Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Scott is a trainer and the owner of F.I.T. Academy in Port Coquitlam, B.C. F.I.T. Academy is an inclusive personal training and physiotherapy studio located in Port Coquitlam designed to create a new standard of what it means to be a fitness leader.
Besides being a driven entrepreneur, Scott is a humble, yet very educated individual in the fitness industry. He has created his own business model that not only provides a great atmosphere for other trainers to thrive but also creates a safe place for clients to work on their fitness goals in a supportive environment.
No matter the fitness level or personal challenges, Scott’s experience allows him to adapt and customize training to each individual to help them reach their personal goals. The customized gym is lively, full of energy and a desirable place to be.
Scott’s passion for life is infectious, and he instills true core values in all of those who surround him.
“Winning this award means a great deal. I have been very fortunate to have been coached by some great leaders in sports and in business, and winning this award is a tribute to the lessons that have been passed down to me. Leadership is not about a title or a position, it is about empowering others and developing quality and trustworthy relationships. Leadership is about consistent action, delivering on your word and doing what is right, which isn’t always what is most popular. I was taught that a boss says, ‘Go!’ and a leader says, ‘Let’s go!’
To be looked upon as a leader is very humbling and comes with great responsibility. It isn’t easy; it requires a lot of patience, but it is so rewarding to see people on your team and within your organization build their conference and aspire to become a leader themselves. Creating more leaders is the tell-tale metric of a great leader.”
Scott Salling, owner and trainer