A Top Trainers Secret Checklist - 5 Tips The big gym's will not tell their Personal Trainers
I love truth! I feel that telling the truth is the utmost respectful thing one can do in any situation. So, with full disclosure, and transparency I am not fan of the management or leadership created in the infrastructure of most corporate/big box gyms. Why? I’ll keep it short. Development. My colleagues, and clients have heard me yammer on about my distaste for the way the corporates gym has let down our Personal Trainers.
So, a long time ago I realized that I loved the fitness industry. I love to help and inspire others to believe in themselves in hopes to create healthy and happier households, more positive work environments, confidence in our youth, and work ethic within young, budding teams and individual athletes. Seems a bit all over the place right? You’re absolutely correct! However, with the diversity of my professional goals, It was abundantly clear that it was imperative that I continued to learn and better myself, so I can do a better job for the clientele I was wanting to work with. Now do you see the predicament I was in coming up in the fitness industry? Where do you grow, learn, develop and improve? It certainty was not at the formerly known Steve Nash Fitness World, or Club 16.
I looked elsewhere. Books, business coaches, network groups, former athletic coaches, clients and any high performer in any industry I could talk to. I realized that there was gold everywhere, and it did not reside in our respective industry. I know what you’re thinking, this seems a bit harsh. And it is! I won’t deny that, however, in a time of change I feel it is a fabulous time to give back to the fitness industry and to Personal Trainers specifically in my personal way.
Here are my 5 Holy shit! moments that changes the way I looked at the fitness industry, how I train and converse with my clients and the tactics that have spawned from these epiphany moments:
Expectations will kill your clientele list faster than any poorly constructed training program will.
Disappointed that your client slipped up and strayed from their diet and training program? Disappointed that your client is not making health a top priority at he moment behind, family and work? Guess what? They are too! Expecting your clients to be anywhere but present is an absolute killer of confidence. Yes, we want to be down more weight. Yes, we would like to have the best nights sleep each and every night, and be in the greatest mood. Yes, we would love to have 2 more hours in a day and more energy to make time for more exercises. The reality is, shit happens! You are not perfect, and neither is your client. We all want to make improvements, but rarely is the kick in the ass approach an effective one. Talk about improving habits. Find the little wins, Because somedays, just showing up is huge win! Sometimes talking about that amazing piece of cheesecake, or how you need to get a specific goal in check is a great way to connect.
Exercise and Training is not intuitive to most people
This philosophy will also help you drop expectations with your clients. Think your new client knows how to bench press? Nope. Maybe they've seen it or tried, heck maybe they have even done it 100 times. Start fresh, and educate. Think the deadlift or squat is a fundamental exercise that everyone should be able to do? Best of luck with that one. The hinge is one of the more complex exercises to instruct. Multiple joints working in unison, hinge, flex, extend, engage (I’m confused writing this). The point is, it’s your job to build your clients confidence to execute a customized training program designed for them. If they are not picking up the hinge or squat, maybe you need to go back to the drawing board and re asses (That’s assuming you have assessed them).
If you don't assess, then it’s just a guess
A quote from the FMS founder himself Grey Cook, “If you don’t assess then it is just a guess.” I talk to many trainers to this day who do not have an assessment protocol. I’m not talking burpees, step ups and battle ropes. I am talking an assessment that is designed to collect physical data in the areas of mobility, stability, motor control, strength and conditioning. A guess that your client can perform a certain exercise is dangerous, just like an assumption. The last thing you want to do is assume your client can perform the exercises that you have performed for as long as you have (Deadlift, Back Squat etc.). Assess, learn, ask questions and be patient.
Be Human!
So many trainers feel the pressure and the need to put on this super human, flawless façade in order to show and convey their expertise. It actually is holding you back more than its is helping you believe it or not. Why? It is not authentic, and people can see that. Be human! We all make mistakes, so bond over them. When we make a mistake are we disappointed? Sure. We all sleep in once in a blue moon (As long this isn’t a frequent occurrence) or double book, cheat on our diets, or heck even miss an appointment due to a rare change in a consistent schedule. If you make a mistake the worst thing a leader can do is not own up to it. Be human and own it.
Your Success is not solely built from your training programs
This is a huge misconception in our industry. A quality training program is no doubt a key factor to your clients success, but I have met countless trainers who can program unbelievably well and have no clients to give them to because they have minimal interest in developing themselves as human beings. Gaining perspective, becoming a better listener, showing compassion and empathy are HUGE to your success! Success is built in the foundation of trust and solid relationships. The beautiful thing is that we are all different and have different skill sets. Don’t sell yourself short by believing you don’t have something to learn from everyone. Knowledge and experience is everywhere! Absorb it and become a multi talented Personal Training coach that inspires others to do more. Not for you, but for them. One of the greatest tips I have tried to live by is, be the training coach that you want to be coached by.
Enjoy, and keep striving for greatness.
Scott Salling
Founder of F.I.T. Academy
2018/2020 IMPACT Magazine Canada’s Top Trainer
ISSA Elite Trainer